WIN Madden NFL 13 For Free- WHAT DO YOU THINK?
Just to mix things up a bit, IRB Gamer is wanting to take the time to hear from you. We’ll be writing up a Demo Impression soon for Madden NFL 13, but as I said before, “It’s the big, bad wolf!”
So what we’d like to know is what do YOU think of the Madden NFL 13 Demo. We’re looking for honesty! If you like it, tell us why? If you think it’s awful, explain your side. Either way, between now and August 27th, we will open our ears to the community through the comment box below. We will choose One lucky winner to pick up (for your choice of platform) Madden NFL 13 FOR FREE. Winner will be chosen on Monday at Midnight and will be emailed confirmation of game shipment; Meaning the game will arrive at YOUR doorstep Tuesday, Wednesday at the latest.
So with that said, WHAT DO YOU THINK?
Leave your thoughts on the comment box below for a chance to win your copy.
This year’s Madden 13 will be the best Madden so far, and amazing new graphic engine and total control of QB and new systems.
Ready to win!!
I cannot wait until Sunday to know who may win.
I’ve never even played an NFL game before until this demo. Never knew the rules or anything being a UK noob. Even if this comps for US only I’d just like to say I’ve found a new sports game that I’ve come to love!
Good luck everyone!
I like the pace of the game. Not too fast like M12 was.
The madden demo is a major step foward for the series..and the reason I say that is because ea sports Has the tendency to lie about so called new features, especially when It comes to madden..
Has anyone ever noticed if u play madden on the older consoles ps 2 r Xbox a lot of those features where removed from the current gen madden’s and over the years has slowly made its way back to each madden little by little and deemed as a new feature for madden .. until now and the infinity engine.. it’s actually pretty damn cool, don’t get me wrong it has its flaws but the positives out way the negatives by a long shot no canned animations no magnet tackles and one of my favorites a slew of new animations for catching it’s just and overall better game thus far and this is only the demo
I played the demo, and I liked it. I thought that the kinect voice integration was pretty good, I was able to call audibles, time outs, etc with no issue.
This might be the year to pick up Madden again (haven’t done so in a while – I really hate paying full price for a game that has nothing more than a roster update w/a few tweaks – but this year looks a bit different than previous years.)
The thing I loved about the demo was the new engine. The fact you can be tripped up on a running play by your own teammate was incredible and it’s even better to be able to recover from it to gain some yards. The controls feel really tight and the AI is smarter than ever. They will pick you off if you make a stupid throw. The game looks the best it ever has and I think it has the potential to be one of the best Football experiences to date.
First let me start off by saying im a huge madden critic but I still buy the games not because I like to get my money stolen but because I just love football & I need me some up to date rosters, simple as that because besides that fact all previous maddens have improved year by year but don’t quite ever get a clean game down.
I played this years demo, I actually liked the presentation, gotta love simms & his co-host up in the booth, def gives you that early football sunday feel. Good in game commentary, it’s diverse from what I’ve heard, only’ve played 5 games, but that enough on a demo lol. Better than Cris Collinsworth god I can’t stand that guy’s voice… Anyways the graphics are improved, more detail on the players, they don’t look as choppy & ackward after the play is over. Tho what I’ve enjoyed most graphically is the field, it looks so clean, last year it seemed like dead pixels, even though it was named as 3d grass. The graphics while not awesome they are very pleasing to the eye.
The gameplay can’t go unmentioned of course, which is M13 emphasis this year the use of its new “Infinity” engine. Im going cut straight to it & to the people complaning about rag-doll looking animations, just cut it out. Not everyone can be pleased & this is better than the previous scripted engine, now you let psysics decide the outcome. Obviously its the engine’s first year but it is a step forward to have bad ass madden games in the years to come. It’s setting itself up for next-gen. Which is a great thing for this series, haven’t said that in years lol.
All in all, I enjoyed the demo so much I will be making a line outside gamestop for it @midnight.. & this year my brother is coming back to the series, he had played all way to 11 & skipped 12. He isn’t sold yet, hopefully him watching me play it just makes him shell out those 60 earned bones hahaha
– CJ #Go Dolphins!
it’s the first Madden I’ve enjoyed playing since ’04. I’ve been using the NFL 2K5 roster updates for the past 3 years… but I’m liking this demo! the game is still rough in all the usual presentation/replay areas but maybe that’s just limitations of the demo. and hey! big ups to EA for the four five minute quarters. they usually cheat you on that.
The passing game, along with the physics engine revamp, which to be honest has been a long time coming offers up a refreshing mood to the game. Previous iterations have been recycled features with different names, but the career modes has the potential to be really fantastic and a chance to have a lot of depth. You can’t really judge the game just based on the demo despite it being a representation of the game, I hold a collective breath, but I can’t help but feel that for the first time in a long time, this year’s Madden will be something different. Pessimism gets the best of those who have played the series since its SNES days like myself, but with an offline franchise mode to look forward to with a close friend and careers mode looking increasingly promising it should be a blast. Oh and did I mention the lack of superhuman LBs in the middle of the field, yea that helps.
I love the demo. I’ve probably played it 20 times so far. The biggest thing for me is the new and improved passing. I can us my RL football knowledge to call audibles and shred the defense by putting the ball exactly where it needs to be using lead passing and pass trajectory. With this being said, I’m also glad that the defense is improved, it looks as if the psychic CB’s are gone and it feels so good.
The other thing is the new physics engine. The game looks incredible and the way the players tackle and respond to getting tackled is phenomenal.
The downside to the demo seems to be the OL/DL fight in the trenches (All-Pro difficult and higher). How many times will Jason Tuck get pancaked? The only way I can get some real pressure on the quarterback is by blitzing.
All in all, I’ve preordered and will be like a kid in the candy store come the morning of the 28th. First thing in the morning, I’m catching the bus to BestBuy. Can’t Wait.
I like the new madden demo. The only thing i dislike is the weird crash test dummy animations, but overall i can’t complain….i’d get it no matter what it has lol.
The demo seems to have balanced out some of my issues with 12 with the passing/run game, while tweaking the tempo.
I’m loving the new physics engine. It actually feels like I’m doing something!
But overall the gameplay (WR routes/QB animations/running game) seems to be improved so i’m looking forward to this game. Hope I win!
It’s Madden, what more needs be said.
True, they are hit or miss year in year out, but the innovations in this years title are not to be missed.
I have to say the kinect integration is what sold me. (sure we all love a new and improved engine, better physics, etc) but the kinect compatibility is one more step to putting YOU in the game.
EA has always marketed, “EA Sports, Its in the Game.” Well, now they’re letting US in the game.
For those of us that have in depth football knowledge, were past players/coaches etc, this is a huge leap forward for real-time play and more intense competition.
here is my real question, am I the only one excited to see what this year brings for Madden Ultimate Team?!
cya on the gridiron!
I wasn’t sure if I was going to like Madden 13 just because I figured it would be the same thing just like every other year. EA has, once again, sucked me into really waiting Madden 13 after playing the demo. Love the new physics that were added.
Overall I like the game. If you’re a football fan you really don’t have a choice anyway. It was fast and fluid, plays very familiar but has some new tweaks to get use to. The only problem I had was the Kinect integration. It only work like have the time and got tedious after a while. I rather play w/o it as it really didn’t add to my experience.
I’ve played about 10 games on the Madden 13 Demo and I must say it’s really good. I like the new Infinity Engine. I’m bouncing off tackles, I strive for more yardage and it feels a lot more realistic with the tackles and big hits (ooooh I love the hit stick this time around!). Also the ball doesn’t magnetize to the player’s hands anymore when going for a catch or interception!
It’s on the right track to be the best Madden Football in the history of Madden, but I sometimes get the feeling that when I’m playing, the gameplay seems a bit over exaggerated to me. When players fall, other players that walk over the tackled player falls as well. Way after the play was over and that ended up resulting in me having to call a timeout because my players weren’t ready.
I also don’t like the re-addition of the speed burst. I really liked the fact that letting the players have their natural speed and acceleration and it not being controlled for it to happen instantly.
Those are my only problems. This really isn’t a hit or miss chance for them. EA really stepped it up and the new engine is to thank for that and I think they’ll have themselves a winning season with this game (pun intended.) This Madden is definitely, worth getting (hopefully it’s me!).
I haven’t like Madden since ’10. It’s just gone flat, I think, and there’s really not much that can be done to update the franchise.
I haven’t played a madden game in a few years got kinda sick of it, but i thought i would give this one a shot seeing how much has changed and if the gameplay and game modes were switched up. I found the experience very different from what i remember all the little things that annoyed me about the title seem to be gone and i was just having fun playing a game of football again! I did use the kinect a bit and didn’t like it but i am so sick of the kinect with EVERY game that can’t put the blame on madden 13 for it since i don;t enjoy the kinect anymore anyway, but it didn’t always work when using it.
I think the new madden feels right, an improvement over the last one
played the demo thought it was a alright game but i cut back buying Maddens game and i use to be a big Madden Fan buy it every year but since they just make a new one every year this is a type of game that i can’t enjoy for years to come so that was the reason why i kind of cut back on getting them but they are always fun to play..
I was very skeptical about Madden and the new engine the makers built. I must say, the infinity engine feels amazing. The players feel like they have weight top them and that’s because of the “infinity engine”. Every small detail matters when you call a play. Everything matters when you hike the ball and you pump-fake to your slot wide-receiver so that you can make that safety bite all while putting the ball near the sideline using the total control passing feature. I must say, it’s been a long time were I can finally call myself a offensive guru. EA touched on things like, if your running the ball and your player bumps a blocker he’ll lose his balance or if you juke with a player that has a low juke rating, he might slip and fall. I could go on and on about all the great things EA touched with this year’s Madden, but I’m happy to say that the creators made alot of hardcore gamers happy!
Madden 13 has a completely new feel to it than the last Madden had, the passing game feels new and you can get the ball to the receiver on cuts better it seems, the running game kind of feels the same to me but that is because I’m more fond to the passing aspect of Madden, but my opinions are only based on the Demo and I hope that they only improve when it comes to the full game.
The new Madden 13 demo does a great job at showing off the new game engine, many improvements from Madden 12. It really feels like i’m being hit! Only issues I had with the demo was the usual demo issues for sports games, only a limited number of teams to try out, but thats not a big deal.
Let me start off with saying I haven’t got into Madden in awhile now… I do see some major improvements in Madden 13 and might get be back into it. Of course, I wouldn’t mind a FREE copy
Recently for some reason, I decided to play Madden 06. It was awkwardly enjoying but got repetitive too quick. I think that was the reason why I am not too much into NFL games. Really want to give Madden another go and hoping IRB Gamer can help me with this
Well I loved the Madden 13 demo, the infinity engine looks amazing, although a little unpolished in the demo, EA has said they have fixed it up since the demo and I’m looking for that to be a huge game changer for the Madden series. The thing I’m most excited for though is the Connected Careers, I’m getting into a online League for the first time ever in Madden, and I’ve been playing Madden since Madden 98, Although have not purchased or played another Madden since Madden 10. The new passing trajectories look awesome once you get the hang of it and I’m glad that the ‘physic DB’s’ no longer exist. Even the WRs have to look back for the ball to know it’s coming. I think EA has made some major improvements and the whole twitter feed in Connected Careers has me jumping for joy. I really do hope I win a copy as I’m having to sell like 4 of my games just to hopefully have enough to get Madden 13. Regardless, I look to be playing Madden 13 on Tuesday even if I have to sell half my stuff to get it.
Speed burst is back, all is right with the world of video game football!
I honestly believe this is the best game I have ever played!! The physics engine is so realistic that you almost forget your playing a video game! This game is a must for every football fan!!
finally a madden i can get behind. the addition of physics and improvements to the passing game finally bring the game to a new level. adding HDR lighting a few years ago was making me thinking about a purchase but ultimately the demo left a bad taste in my mouth. this years demo is much better, can’t wait for the full game!!!
I tried the demo and have to agree with many other postings here. The physics engine is pretty much amazing! Really liked the overall control of the players (I even scored three, what seemed to be easy touchdowns in the first quarter against the NY Giants). For not playing a lot of sports games, I thought the graphics were very good, and the audio was also very good! I also tried out some of the Kinect voice commands, and Kinect responded fairly quickly. Sometimes I had to repeat myself, and I’m not sure if that was because I wasn’t saying the command at the wrong time or if Kinect just didn’t hear me. I found one tiny glitch at the very end of the first quarter. One player got injured, and the announcer said that he was walking off the field under his own power and would be back in the game shortly. However, he was still laying on the ground…in pain. My overall impressions of this game would be a 4.5 out of 5 stars. Looks awesome!
Thanks for an opportunity to win!!!
Chris Hofer
Twitter: @PriusGuy2004
This year will be the best yet!! Last year was so hard to complte a pass on harder modes, & C. Johnson is on the cover, cant get no better!! Go lions!!!
The physics of this game look like the best yet.
Its amazing
The good:
When a player smashes into another, his momentum will carry the hit player in whatever direction momentum dictates. This makes the receiving more realistic than before, and when a receiver is hit, you know it. This is all due to the Infinity Engine improvement.
The bad:
Defenders no longer seem to know where their targets are at all times like they used to, and instead have to rely on their defensive routes – which is great – but it also means they can be burned often. Defenders will still swarm on any deep play, but short plays are easier for a defender. The game is harder than ever before, and the defensive AI can still step it up, but the improvements have made offense easier and defense harder. It is a balance issue more than anything.
The ugly:
Jim Nantz and Phil Simms, plain put they are as annoying on the game as they are in real broadcast. Generally I play on mute due to ignorance of the announcers.
I would rate this madden as the best madden yet, although old school madden 98 is difficult to top!
I tried the demo and have to agree with many other postings here. The physics engine is pretty much amazing! Really liked the overall control of the players (I even scored three, what seemed to be easy touchdowns in the first quarter against the NY Giants). For not playing a lot of sports games, I thought the graphics were very good, and the audio was also very good! I also tried out some of the Kinect voice commands, and Kinect responded fairly quickly. Sometimes I had to repeat myself, and I’m not sure if that was because I wasn’t saying the command at the wrong time or if Kinect just didn’t hear me. I found one tiny glitch at the very end of the first quarter. One player got injured, and the announcer said that he was walking off the field under his own power and would be back in the game shortly. However, he was still laying on the ground…in pain. My overall impressions of this game would be a 4.5 out of 5 stars. Looks awesome! Thanks for the opportunity to win !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
but if i win ps3 the kinect is my cousins
It’s unfair