This year I can only imagine Paul Heyman grabbing a microphone and saying Ladies and Gentlemen, I know you had your picks, your wants and your doubts. All throughout this past year you’ve had the man they called sting, you’ve had The Game Triple H, you’ve even had the lunatic, architect and the guy. And...
Mafia III under the development of Hangar 13 looks to deliver some of the most unique and diverse gameplay for 2016. It’s not Grand Theft Auto but you certainly expect the unexpected as you play as Lincoln Clay in New Bordeaux set in 1963. Clay grew up from an orphan to a Vietnam vet that...
Weeks away from NBA 2K16, and I have to say now that it’s going to be quite the scorcher. Pretty sure I wasn’t needed to confirm that, but for the first time ever you start from the ground up in your MyCareer; high school! I’m here to give you my impressions for NBA 2K16 which...
Let me go there now and confirm that Visual Concepts tapping into the WWE 2K video game is what was extremely “Best for Business.” When I picked up the PlayStation 4 controller and experienced WWE 2K15, I didn’t just play the game, I embraced it. Before I talk about WWE 2K15 please not that...
So news has been absolutely everywhere circling the new installment for WWE 2K. We are being promised new graphics similar to the remarkable experience in NBA 2K14 and we can expect between 30-35 hours of commentary between Jerry Lawler and Michael Cole meaning that we won’t hear the same repetitive phrases. I don’t know about...
We decided to keep this one straight to the point! From the creators of Left 4 Dead, Turtle Rock Studios places a heavy focus on 4v1. Yes, Four versus One! “Our philosophy is to build incredibly fun game experiences that we can’t find anywhere else,” said Chris Ashton, co-founder and design director at Turtle Rock...
This holiday season, games will have a chance to defy themselves. And if any game had everything to lose or gain based on their release this year it’s NBA 2K14. NBA Live 14 is making its historic return with no intentions on releasing on current-gen systems. So it’s time to look past Lebron being the...