Game Reviewed: NBA 2K14 Release Date: October 1, 2013 Developer: Visual Concepts Publisher: 2K Sports Platform: [Reviewed: PlayStation 3], XBOX 360, PC Genre: Sports Rated: E for Everyone It’s another season on the horizon and LeBron is the new face for NBA 2K. Even though he was named the cover star a week before they...
The WWE universe seems to be moving in the right direction in reference to the gaming industry. Last year, in a time I thought gaming reached its highest level of energy, the attitude era making a poetic return was monumental. But somehow, Yuke’s have managed to one up expectations and their own pinnacle. 29 years...
This year prepare to go above and beyond the call of the WWE Universe Mode. Personally, I though that after last year WWE 13 the game to have. Heck, to be quite honest it still is. If you haven’t took a glimpse at the rebirth of the WWE Attitude Era, you’ve missed out on...
This holiday season, games will have a chance to defy themselves. And if any game had everything to lose or gain based on their release this year it’s NBA 2K14. NBA Live 14 is making its historic return with no intentions on releasing on current-gen systems. So it’s time to look past Lebron being the...
Stand up and take one good look in the mirror. Do you think the person staring back at you knows what it means to be a champion. Have you venture through the Road to WrestleMania and redefined the Attitude Era? How about carved your name into the Hall of Fame by proclaiming yourself victorious...
2K has put any rumors and speculations to rest before they could even see the light of day. If you’re curious as to who will grace the NBA 2K14 cover, just click the play button below. Also be sure to get your bonuses locked in now as preordering will earn you bonus content for “Path...
Alright, it’s time to discuss yet again the one true title you’ll find me pouring more hours into than Call of Duty. Yep, It’s WWE. And now with the title in the hands of 2K Sports, my heart can only wonder where will we go from here. “Some” gamers are disappointed with the title no...
In a not so surprising manner, after just releasing a trailer two weeks ago, and even receiving news of what we could expect, EA just shot off a press release stating that NBA Live will not be making any triumphant return this year. No digital downloads, no disc, no more trailers; just disappointment. If it...
“Our console game will always be the heart of the NBA 2K franchise, but we want to go beyond that,” said Jason Argent, vice president of marketing for 2K Sports. “Through NBA 2K Everywhere, fans can extend their NBA 2K experience wherever they go, whether it’s on the road with the mobile apps or socially...
After taking a look at NBA 2k13 I have some questions that MUST be asked. First and foremost, why is it that graphics aren’t elevating to the next level? or are they? I didn’t understand the lie from Jason Argent, VP of Marketing, as he says : “We never shown in the past any footage...