Some New WWE 2K19 Features Explained
After checking out the MyCareer, Phenomenal One and footage from various content creators, Yule’s Media and 2K Sports are ready to share some of the new features in WWE 2K19. Hold on to your seats, it’s about to be a bumpy ride, Ow Have Mercy!
Let’s start with what matters most, presentation. Corey Graves, Cole and Saxton have over 15,000 new lines. Watching any entrance videos from creators you immediately hear voices with enthusiasm and excitement. WWE games have missed this for YEARS. Literally years! But now so far, so good. The final product will be the true determining factor.
There’s now up to 8-Men allowed in the ring at once, redesigned for faster gameplay and better framerate. And as for the Women that will soon define Evolution, they can all participate in a WWE Women’s Royal Rumble and layeth the smacketh down on any roody poo.. You get it!

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There are new mini-games available while partaking in Hell in the Cell and Steel Cage matches. In HIAC you can now break through the walls without storing a finisher or OMG. Simply damage the cage enough to create an opening. As for the Steel Cage, there are new way of escaping, requiring mini-games, similar to WWE ladder matches.
WWE Payback
The biggest update of them all may be the new feature called Payback. Payback lets you potentially create an iconic comeback if you’re on the losing end by earning extra reversals, finishers and more. Here’s the full list based on your Payback level gauge.
Level 1
- Auto-Reverse: Automatically reverse any minor attack.
- Possum: Playing possum allows an incapacitated Superstar to attack from several positions (leaning against the ropes, supine, or corner) or roll an opponent up in a small package.
- Fists of Fury: Temporarily increases striking speed and power.
- Speed Buff: Temporarily increases movement, stamina, and reversal recovery speeds.
- Reversal: Earn a reversal.
- Instant Recovery: Instantly recover after being knocked down. Includes minor speed buff.
Level 2
- Finisher: Earn a finisher.
- Resiliency: Escape a pin, submission, or elimination minigame with ease.
- Adrenaline Buff: Allows you to lift more weight and increases the amount of Momentum earned for performing lifting grapples.
- Tank Buff: Significantly increase your defensive abilities while reducing overall mobility.
- Low Blow: Perform a low blow from a standing or kneeling position. Risk of disqualification.
- Poison Mist: Spit poison mist in your opponent’s face. Risk of disqualification.
- Power of the Punch: Hit your opponent with brass knuckles. Risk of disqualification.
- Move Thief: Use your opponent’s own move set to finish him or her off.
- Run-In: Summon an ally to ringside to help turn the tide (1 vs. 1 matches only).
- Blackout: The lights go out. When they come back on, you appear behind your opponent. (1 vs. 1 matches only).
That’s not all, more details are coming as early as tomorrow! Stay tuned.
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