Rock Band 3 Review
Harmonix has owned the music genre in terms of Gaming for years. In a nutshell, Rock Band 3 set in confirmation of years to come.
Rock Band 3 is going to seriously peak from their previous RB2. Harmonix made the smartest move ever launching Rock Band; it came with everything for a “Band.” It started with a guitar and microphone. After progression, we watched Rock Band introduce us to drum sets. Activision responded with World Tour, but still couldn’t pull the upper hand.
We’ve watched over the years Harmonix spread their catalog of DLC to now over 2,000 tracks including your classics, all the up to present day. They even give the convenience of getting ALL your music through their own Rock Band store, while other games make you transfer and import your favorites.
Now, Harmonix is taking on the ultimate criticism, games can’t teach you to play real instruments. An all new high, as well as history for gaming is being made. You, your child, any member of your family are definitely about to learn how to play Keyboard and Guitar, if the challenge of going “Pro” is accepted.
The Rock Band 3 Keyboard, designed by Mad Catz, is hands down one of the biggest add-ons to the Group feel of Rock Band. The Midi keyboard is indeed a “real life” keyboard that can be used in any studio with the appropriate MIDI sequencer and setup. If you choose not to go “Pro,” you can use the peripheral button controls, which press the corresponding color scheme as the original Guitars would. The keyboard at times can also be used as a Guitar or Drum peripheral. Personally having tried it, you literally get an authentic feel when playing on Pro. Highly suggest when playing Pro Keys, start on easy and work your way up the difficulty rank. I took my first whack at PAX Prime, and that was the day I knew I needed to add RB3 to my collection.
The only downfall with keyboard is that it’s a new instrument. Of the 83 songs set on disc, 63 of them is all that supports Keyboard. As seen in the video above, some tracks may not have huge roles for the keyboard. However, there’s no need to feel discouraged as Harmonix has announced upcoming DLC to include the great Billy Joel.
Your drum set is now upgraded with a Pro-Cymbals Expansion Kit. The pro-cymbals improve your play of the crash, ride and hi-hit cymbals. It takes a bit to get used to if you’re running at the cymbals for the first time. Guitar Hero released a drum set with 2 cymbals; so if you ever played, you might pick up an early advantage. Cymbals are quite adjustable and velocity-sensitive; meaning will pick up each note, and by speed and accuracy.
Last, are the guitars. I personally haven’t had a chance to work my way through the 2 new guitars, but the screen during gameplay and training mode work you through the motion of playing the guitar in real life. When working your way up to Pro you will begin to learn to use six strings.
There shouldn’t be a doubt, or a second guess about grabbing Rock Band 3. Harmonix is simply the heart of a band setting environment for video games.
Overall Score: 4.75 out of 5
Rock Band 3 (XBOX 360) Review
“…Harmonix has announced upcoming DLC to include the great Billy Idol.”
You mean ‘Billy Joel’.
Good review, by the way.
Thx, lol. and corrected