Not For Broadcast Review – Greatest Broadcast On Earth
It’s rare for a review to begin with a summary, but frankly, there isn’t much to say besides NotGames and TinyBuild are creating one of the most entertaining experiences to kickoff 2020. It’s an insane transition from Hello Neighbor, Hellpoint and other titles published from the team. Not For Broadcast 80’s theme left me wondering what production is all about while in tears of laughter, simply because the trailers couldn’t prepare you enough. Not until YOU go live.
Not Games has a created a brilliant FMV that immediately takes the number one spot in its genre, in our opinion. You play as the new guy in the production booth for the National Nightly News as the government has appeared to turn for the worst. Your training comes from a voice through the phone that tells you how to run the switchboard inside the booth just before going live. Surrounding you are VCR tapes for advertisement, a mixer for audio, 4-channels for switching up the broadcast at the appropriate queue, a censor button and a dialer to control incoming interference. It may sound like a lot to work with, until the magic begins.
In 3, 2, 1…
I almost felt as if I could’ve taken this job back in the 80’s, at least until I failed and was let go for screwing up mid-show. As the news begin you have to listen to the production team for cues, as well as a timer above your monitors. When you feel it’s the right time to switch scenes, go for it as there’s “technically” isn’t a right or wrong time. That’s doesn’t mean there aren’t consequences for what you allow to happen on national television. As you go live, there is also a meter showing how much the audience enjoys or are dissatisfied with the program while on-air. Therefore, you have to watch out for people swearing, making a fool of themselves, what’s happening in the background, sticking to the same camera spot for too long, etc. Believe it or not, these are all real situations that happen every day, but with you in the hot seat, it’s your job to make sure it doesn’t happen to you.
As a press conference took place with one of the speakers intoxicated, you’ll find yourself having to manage camera angles, while censoring language and adjusting the show’s frequency to ensure a static free broadcast. It was intense yet exhilarating. In one setting I failed to keep up with it all and embarrassed the speakers and myself, while the second go round, I enjoyed it and a part of the team.

There was another moment where I felt bad as I played an ad that had serious backlash afterwards, and what you run may affect the Nightly News directly. You’re also able to go back and watch your archive, rush and ads. The rush was most entertaining, seeing and hearing what happened while off camera, for example witnessing a celebrity belittle those around him right before going on air, and becoming a babyface right as the camera turns to him. Likely the reality of what we sometimes don’t see in the real world. Even with the jaw-dropping shenanigans, I thoroughly enjoyed it all. At least until I was asked to work on my anniversary, leading to another important aspect of this game.
Two Sides to Every Story
Like a job, when it’s all over, it’s payday. How much money you make is based on your final production rating, allowing you to buy better equipment or décor your space. For now I’ve decided to save my earnings as I don’t know what may be of importance in later chapters.
In-between broadcast you are given a narrative story that you control that involves work, family and surveys that you are required to participate in regarding the government. With a marriage that can go either way based on your actions as a husband, brother and father, to finding time to fit other areas of life, it’s all a rollercoaster with a few questions left unanswered for now.
Playing through twice before finishing episode one left me completely satisfied. The actors across the entire FMV were perfect. Even your boss only being a voice was a fun interaction. The humor in Not For Broadcast hits a high between chapter 2 and 3 and was reason for me to start a new game as the credits began to roll. A game in early access just revealed an experience that gaming community needed.
It’s disappointing that this game was recommended “Not for Consoles” as it’s undoubtedly a great title from chapter 1-3. Developers NotGames are working on 7 more chapters, set to release at a later date. I wish that day was today. Make your way to Steam and see how not to broadcast what’s Not For Broadcast. A title that will have a strong presence throughout 2020, and likely earn nominees later this year.
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