IRB’s Black Friday Giveaway!
As you finish stuffing yourselves with turkey and dressing… and gaming, Black Friday kicks in. It’s the time where all of your favorite must haves goes on a sale better than you could ever dream. Well we’re giving you all one week prior to sign up for a contest to hook you up with points, whether it’s for your XBOX 360/One or PlayStation 3/4.
Just enter the raffle below and come Black Friday the winner just may be you!! Good Luck
I’m 200% sure that you’re going to make someone’s Black Friday 500% more awesome – I hope it’s me!
Thanks for making this crazy giveaway.
Xbox live currency would help me buying stuff on this XBL black friday sale. Dragon’s dogma DA would be on sale.
I plan on winning a damn Xbox One for the RVCC game room so I can FINALLY stop digging through damn Recycling bins and drinking Mt Dew!
O yea and I’d say
50 win – KI Ultra Editoin XB1
30 win – KI normal editoin XB1 and some X-mas theme ps3/xb360 theme/gear
20 win – Soul Calibur HD PSN and some dlc for something
O yea!
Hope that prize comes soon
Thanks for the chance, would love to win $20 or $50 for xbox
I think I will get a Digital Download game, maybe Need for speed Rivals if I win
Thanks for the chance!
I would definitely invest it in GTA V. Need to get on that game because all my friends are playing it!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Thanks, that could go a really long way during the sales.
Well depends on what the digital sales look like on the platform I win, if it is PSN it will certainly be a full game download (Last of US maybe), if it is XBL then could be a GoD or some dlc.
and you told me not to forget twitter and I did, @Mysticfail
Thanks for the chance
I would buy a season pass for COD: Ghosts @PowerlessTurtle
I’m looking to buy GTA V on PSN so any amount of the prizes would definitely help me get there! @Tidus_Blitz
Probably buy Bioshock Infinite DLC and Dishonored DLC.
Awesome contest! Thanks for the chance
I will be getting great psn games if I’m awarded with precious digital funds
I plan on getting some sleep
My plans are to relax and play my 3DS or 360
And if I win I’ll probably pick up some DLC I’ve missed out on or maybe 1 or 2 GoD games during upcoming sales!
On black friday I will try to et teh 3ds XL zelda for 149.99 IF they have it online.Cloest target is over an hr away
Also,If I win the points I will be buying the Julian Micheals workout for 9.99 and use the other 9.99 to make KI combo breaker ED only 10
Would go towards killer instinct for sure thanks for the great chance! Twitter @volcombrandon
I’m getting in line right after Thanksgiving dinner with a friend to try to get a sweet deal on a new 4k TV!
Plan on winning PSN cards
No Black Friday for me this year, no money…
My plan is to get some good deals on games I missed out on.
who won? I would love to win the PSN to get Ducktales.