EA Reveals Their E3 Hardhitters – MUST SEE!
Today, EA has pulled away the sheets and announced their knockout line up that will be on hand at E3 June 5-7th. One exciting additon is the return of one of the NBA’s most repected games, NBA Live 13. That’s not all! Gamers can also look forward to Madden NFL 13 and Crysis 3.
With that said, there’s more than enough reason for you to head to E3. Play hard or go home! Here’s the full roster:
Battlefield 3: Close Quarters and Battlefield 3: Armored Kill
Lauded by game critics worldwide for its outstanding single player campaign and addictive multiplayer, Battlefield 3 extends the experience with the debut of the next two themed digital expansion packs: Battlefield 3: Close Quarters and Battlefield 3: Armored Kill.
Crysis 3
The premier sandbox shooter of 2013, Crysis 3 advances the state of the art with unparalleled visuals and incomparable gameplay. Hunt as Prophet in a New York City that has become a veritable urban rainforest, with seven distinct natural environments known as the Liberty Dome’s Seven Wonders. Alien or human, everyone is a target in Prophet’s quest for retribution. Assess, Adapt, Attack and take Revenge!
FIFA 13 captures all the drama and unpredictability of real-world football. The game creates a true battle for possession across the entire pitch, delivers freedom and creativity in attack, and connects fans to the heartbeat of the sport — and to each other — through EA SPORTS Football Club.
· Platforms: PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PlayStation®Vita, Wii™, PC, PlayStation®2, Nintendo 3DS™, PSP (PlayStation®Portable) system, iPhone®, iPad®, iPod® touch and Android ·
Madden NFL 13
Madden NFL 13 is all-new from boot up to credits. Every mode, every screen, every pixel has been reinvented delivering the most innovative, connected, and authentic Madden NFL experience in franchise history.
Medal of Honor: Warfighter
Medal of Honor: Warfighter puts players in the boots of today’s most elite U.S. warriors to experience missions that have a dotted line to real world terrorist incursions. This is Tier 1 on a global scale, featuring real world hotspots in the single-player campaign and introducing international Tier 1 Operators in multiplayer.
The NBA LIVE franchise makes its return with key innovations to core gameplay, presentation and online experiences that connect you to your friends and to the real-world of basketball all season long.
- Platforms: Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3
- Street Date: October 2012
- ESRB Rating: “RP” for Rating Pending
NCAA Football 13
For the first time in franchise history, NCAA Football 13allows players to utilize a former Heisman® Trophy winner’s skill set in a quest to match the performances of some of the greatest of all time. Plus, game days come to life with the ESPN Bottom Line ticker and Studio Updates featuring new analyst Rece Davis.
- Platforms: Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3
- Street Date: July 10, 2012
- ESRB Rating: “E” for Everyone
NHL 13
NHL 13 represents the biggest year-on-year innovation leap for the EA SPORTS NHL franchise in this console generation as it delivers major gameplay innovations that capture the speed, creativity and strategy of the world’s fastest team sport, and provides hockey fans with new experiences and services that connect them to their friends and the real-world of the NHL.
Powered by the GlassBox simulation engine, SimCity is taking back its crown as the king of city-building games. Players will have the power to build the city of their dreams, connect with their friends and face real-world challenges together as SimCity comes to retail and Origin in February 2013.
Star Wars : The Old Republic
The critically-acclaimed, story-driven MMO from BioWare and LucasArts will continue to expand in 2012, with new game content and refined gameplay features the community has been asking for – more PvP, more high-level group content, new social features and new storylines for players to explore.

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