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243 results for category: Xbox 360

Terraria Builds its way to Consoles

Hope your little fingers aren’t tired from all the building in Minecraft and such. Why? Because this year, the 1.6 million fans of Terraria will be able to relive their experience on Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network. “In addition to the digging, building, and defending that players have come to love, the console version...


Max Payne 3 Heavenly Mode Launches Next Week

All good things, eventually, must come to an end. In this case we’re looking at the final DLC for Max Payne 3, which was by far a phenomenal release by Rockstar Games. The new DLC, scheduled to release January 22nd, is title “Deathmatch Made in Heaven.” I’s promises to “wow” gamers with new co-op, competitive...