Get out the choppa!… No wait, Get to the Choppa. There’s a new bizarre game on the way called Sons of the Forest. Only teased at the moment, but enough to leave you with creeped out, as well with as many questions as Death Stranding. Take a look at the trailer for Sons of the...
Need for Speed last few installments have been a hit or miss for fans of the franchise. This year, EA is doing everything they can to bring the heat, increasing what there is to love about Need for Speed. Last year’s NFS: Payback was a rock-solid experience, including a well-written story many developers can create,...
Say what you will, but when it comes to shooters, there’s not a bigger franchise than Call of Duty. Yes, some manage to get pretty close, but all fall within months while COD continues to thrive all year long. That considered, Infinity Ward decided with their turn at Call of Duty it was time to...
The millions, and millions that makes up the WWE Universe look forward to seeing some of the most electrifying action ever in Sports Entertainment every week. From USA, Fox and the WWE Network, there’s thousands of hours, blood, sweat and tears poured from the brows of the greatest superstars ever. Looking into WWE 2K20, they’re...
There are too many hidden objectives nowadays inside the Neighbor’s house and the kids are all about discovering what’s inside his basement. In development for quite some time, Secret Neighbor is finally available for Xbox One, free with Xbox Game Pass, and PC. This game has an exciting twist as every kid enters the home,...
NBA 2K Playgrounds 2 is shining a bright light in the direction of all basketball fans as a new update has reached all platforms, including 22 new playable characters, one being the infamous Ronnie 2K. Now whether you love or hate the Community Manager of NBA 2K20, you can take his skills to the court...
Okay, wait just a minute as we explain something here. Spec Ops was one of the greatest features back around the golden days of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Spec Ops allowed you to play with a friend as you tried to complete various objectives from the campaign as a unit. Both fun and a...
An evolution to the revolution in WWE 2K20 will certainly circle around MyCAREER this year as players will be able to create both male and female superstars. Revealed today, it’s not a choice of male or female, your 20-hour career mode will include both, making this the most in-depth and unique story to date. Red...
We know it can be heartbreaking to hear your anticipated title needs to be pushed back, especially when the date disappears. The news from Bethesda and id Software is only half as bad as the team announces the delay of DOOM Eternal. Though gameplay shown to media, along with my personal experience on Google Stadia...
IRB Gamer will be giving away a copy of Ghost Recon: Breakpoint for either PlayStation, Xbox One or PC. It just depends on what system you prefer. On Friday Oct 4th, we’ll be live on playing and interacting with everyone who joins. An hour into the stream (10pm PST) someone will be claiming a...