Defiance, an upcoming Syfy TV show scheduled to debut April 15th, is also an upcoming game under development by Trion, creators of Rift. Defiance will be an open world shooter that will ideally appeal to both gamers and fans of the Ark Hunter. With this announcement, a live-action trailer has been released, which can be...
Rockstar Games have just announced their official release date for Grand Theft Auto V. That date is: The reasoning for the date change is to continue development for what is to be one of the biggest open worlds ever put together by Rockstar. The date change is more than acceptable, from IRB Gamer’s pov. Rockstar...
In under two weeks, gangsters alike will be able to run the city as they please in Omerta. But as for today, an official demo has released for PC, giving gamers an early chance at two levels to get your hands dirty in. Do you think you have what it takes to run a city...
Fun and games are over and done with, kinda. February 12th marks the return of the aliens, and quite frankly, that’s not a good thing. The marines that signed up for duty are ready to kick ass and take names. Seek confirmation in the video below: [jwplayer config=”Custom Player” mediaid=”11089″]
Have you’ve heard of RaceRoom Racing Experience? If not, allow me to gear you up. RaceRoom Racing Experience is a free to play pc game available right now as an open beta on steam. Upon initial download, five cars and two tracks (with 6 different layouts) will be free and ready for you. If you’re...
[jwplayer config=”Custom Player” mediaid=”11019″] It appears this May, evil continues to reign. If you’ve played Resident Evil for the 3DS, then you just may have the upper hand as Revelations is re-releasing for XBOX 360, PlayStation 3, Nintendo WiiU and PC. The critically acclaimed survival horror title takes players back to the events that took...
Attention all Guild Wars 2 players, you guys and gals absolutely rock! There are well over 3 million activated users online and you’re all about to get a couple of updates you will enjoy! In the first update of the new year, players will be treated to a number of new features, including: • A...
If you’re one of the diehard Bethesda fans that still spend an insane amount of hours on Elder Scrolls: Skyrim, this will get your blood boiling even more. Today marks the beginning of beta signups to Elder Scrolls Online. Signing up today just may grant you access when the beta begins. Elder Scroll Online players...
Next week we can prepare to go to war, so to speak. Mastiff has confirmed their upcoming release Heavy Fire: Shattered Spear, developed by Teyon, will launch for XBOX 360, PlayStation 3 and Windows PC January 29th, 2013. Rescue a spy and recover intel to prevent a nuclear “Armageddon.” “Heavy Fire: Shattered Spear raises the...
There’s plenty we could say about Sam Fisher. The man is one of the greatest agent alive, well in video games at least. Check out the newest trailer released by Ubisoft for Blacklist. [jwplayer config=”Custom Player” mediaid=”10993″]