Seems like the guys over at Techland has build a new demo for Dying Light for Gamescom 2014. It’s an exciting day to get hands on with a with another small taste of this zombie infested title under the publication of Warner Bros. This new trailer highlights the most prominent gameplay features of Dying...
The creator of Resident Evil is slated to deliver horror fans the Evil Within right before Halloween on October 14th, 2014 on PC, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation platform. Today Bethesda announced the official season pass priced at only $19.99 The Evil Within Season Pass will allow you to experience survival...
It looks like the dogs are doing to be sleeping much longer as Square Enix and United Front Games have officially announced the Definitive version of Sleeping Dogs. Wei Shen and his crew will be reimaged and re-mastered, including all DLC on October 24th to the Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and once again to the...
Wait a second, are you serious bro? Jason Statham, Terry Crews and other members of the Expendables have been digitized by Free Lives and Devolver Digital for an awesome, new and FREE title called Expendabros. Ten missions and new characters and it doesn’t cost a penny; incredibro! Everyone just take a deep breath, this is...
In hopes that you’re still resting on plenty of ammo , Rebellion has announced additional map and sniper rifles to come for Sniper Elite III. It’s the second of four multiplayer maps which are FREE for all Sniper Elite 3 players; Lost Valley is one of the most diverse maps ever made for the series,...
Looks like you won’t have to wait quite as long to get your hands on Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor as the release date has crept forward to September 30, 2014. In Shadow of Mordor, players will experience the depth of the Nemesis System, where every enemy is unique, differentiated by their appearance, personality, strengths and...
A deadly new breed of human monster is on the rise in the sprawling metropolis and it’s up to you to stop it before the infection spreads; again. It’s the return of Mighty Rabbit Studios and Gun Media’s title Breach & Clear subtitled “DEADline.” Priced at $19.99 Breach & Clear: DEADline gives players full control...
Looks like Deep Silver is going to receive an opportunity to fully revive the shooter that involved you completing a campaign to obtain nothing more than a city. It was one of the THQ titles that went over to Crytek and is now in the hands of Koch Media. Deep Silver who is very known...
Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare look to raise the bar this year on Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4 and PC. How? Well with graphics that finally proves to be a new engine in place by Activision, a futuristic gameplay style crossing between Dead Space and Titanfall, a new studio that’s prepared to...
Anyone that is familiar with the Penny Arcade Expo is well aware of the indie showcase that takes place every year. In Boston Little Worlds Interactive introduced gamers to a unique puzzle game where numbers literally means everything. “The Counting Kingdom” now only drew interest, it was chosen to be in the PAX10 Showcase, highlighting...