With the release of the horrifying Resident Evil 7, Capcom has officially release one of the two VHS Banned Footage DLC’s. While the second VHS launches February 14, this installment includes Nightmare, Bedroom and Ethan Must Die. Nightmare is a mode where you play as the Sewer Gators in an attempt to survive the night,...
Who could away from the childhood heroes Billy and Jimmy Lee? The fight has been taken to Japan and there’s plenty of butt to kick. Double Dragon IV is available on PlayStation 4 and PC for $6.99. In addition, Ark System Works’ released a launch trailer.
Resident Evil is easily and arguably one of the greatest horror games ever played. I have my personal list that comes close: Silent Hill, Fatal Frame and even the unfinished, yet most memorable game to date P.T. Resident Evil takes a new spin on how gamers will experience the series as you’re more than simply...
Sniper Ghost Warrior 3 will pierce its way to consoles this April, but for now PC gamers have a unique opportunity to take part in an open beta February 3rd.By visiting sniperghostwarrior3.com/beta and registering, soon you’ll travel throughout the Republic of Georgia and jump into two single-player missions: Cut and Blockout Cut Off The Separatists...
It’s time to step away from the cars however keep your need for speed as Microïds and Kalypso Media Group delivers Moto Racer 4 Jan 24 for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Moto Racer 4 will include motocross and high-speed racing bikes for up to two players (co-op) and 10 players through online multiplayer. Aside...
Fans of the Mass Effect series don’t not have much to wait as Andromeda is officially set to launch March 21st 2017 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. Along with the announcement came a special two-minute video showing a bit of gameplay and what can be expected.
Each and every year there’s a new Call of Duty on the loose. What actually helps each installment is the fact that there are three different development teams involved in the creation of their own stories, their own eras. At least they used to as now Call of Duty to most seem to mimic each...
Watch Dogs kicked off with the mysterious Aiden Pearce. Respectfully I enjoyed his character for the simple fact you never knew anything about him other than his determination on retribution for the death of his niece. But the developers listening to its audience changed directions and offered a new spin taking us to San Francisco,...
Two episodes in and so far Batman: The Telltale Series has been an amazing new adventure as Bruce faces the same threats but from a different angle, through Telltale’s point of view. It’s not all about the man behind the mask anymore; we’re more involved with knowing exactly who Bruce Wayne is and how his...
After embracing the courageous men and women who’ve died for what they’ve believed in I was reminded of a quote from John F. Kennedy. Ask not what your country can do for you, but what can you do for your country. I feel that Battlefield 1 personifies that message, regardless of where war have taken...