It’s a dark and twisted atmosphere created by none other than the originator of Resident Evil, Shinji Mikami. Shinji and his company Tango Gameworks has breathe new life into what drives fear, what defines horror and what strikes “the evil within.” Three years since the original installment, what awaits our protagonist, Sebastian Castellanos. After dealing...
Just announced is the order of which all the late bloomers in WWE and NXT will appear, including the annual accelerator, My Kick Start and more. We won’t waste your time, here’s the layout: Accelerator Players will gain access to all unlockable content available at launch in the game’s VC Purchasable section (excluding downloadable content);...
WWE 2K18 is getting closer and closer, and for some, they’ve already “Cena Nuff” to declare this year is a must have. From the insane roster this year to the new mechanics, graphics and more, it’s going to be awesome. Our hands-on impression can also second this motion as we took 2K18 for a spin...
Right off the launch of Sonic Mania, Sonic Team brings more of our favorite hedgehog back into his ring collecting frenzy as Robotnik is still up to his tricky schemes. But sort of to our surprise the casino makes a return, being possibly one of the most intriguing levels from the classic Sonic titles. Take...
Life is Strange was a bizzare story that introduced us to Maxine, her best friend Chloe and the questionable end that’s to become of Arcadia Bay. Life is Strange was an out of the box experience that definitely had its share of highs and lows, but the cliffhangers pulled you back in every time. This...
NBA this year for the gaming industry has been taken to the next level. Some basketball games are introducing the WNBA to opportunity to become “The One.” And while that sounds astounding, because it is, 2K Sports raised the bar this year as well, creating the very best basketball sim to date. Welcome to NBA...
Illfonic Games has made a tremendous mark in the gaming industry with the launch of Friday the 13th on consoles and PC. Partnering with Maximum Games and Psyop Games, Dead Alliance is officially here for all platforms as well with more undead action. But the zombies aren’t what you need to fear! Dead Alliance is...
We’re going to leave this right here or all of the NBA 2K fans, including myself. While I absolutely love the new emotion animations and gameplay footage, I would’ve enjoyed a better song selection. I love that song, but it just didn’t fit the trailer Leave your thoughts and comments below. NBA 2K18 is scheduled...
Fans of Gears of War or even Bulletstorm can tell you in a heartbeat exactly who is Ciff Bleszinski. The mastermind behind Gears of War, wanting to part ways from the Horde in order to build something new, creative and innovative has done just that with Boss Key Productions. Lawbreakers is a first-person, team-based shooter...
Dead Alliance is an upcoming FPS set to launch August 29, 2017 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and Steam. However with the Multiplayer Beta taking place from July 27- July 31st, gamers received a unique opportunity to play and stress test the limits of Illfonic Games newest title. Right now Illfonic is very well known...