The dust has settled and it’s time that we officially announce our 2013 Game of the Year. We here at IRB Gamer considered a lot of great titles with of course many more to choose from. But it came down to the most innovative, the most unique, and of course titles that made gamer all...
It sat in my head for quite a while now. What will be the top selling game this holiday season on next-gen? Killzone? COD: Ghosts? Need For Speed Rivals? Then I also pondered the amount of hard drive storage that will be required for all of these titles, ranging from 16MB to as high as...
Through most of my yesteryears I grew up playing Sonic and Streets of Rage. In other words I delved into the realm known as Sega, missing the Kirby’s and the Goldeneye era. I never played the original Super Smash Bros, only heard about it. I even bought the 3DS to never even so much...
We’re not the XBOX 720! We’re XBOX One. At least that’s what they want us to believe. As a huge fan of both consoles, it’s a bit daunting to know that next-gen systems are ready for next-gen games and gaming, but not quite ready for the gamer. It’s eye-opening to see titles for the...