Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Beta Impressions – In the Still of the Night
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare has initiated its first weekend in beta, which took place exclusively on PlayStation 4. We’re quite sure Modern Warfare shot just as many bullets as 2K and Gearbox Software with Borderlands 3, however, as a fan of the franchise, Call of Duty delivered more fun than I could’ve ever anticipated. This is legitimately the year to invest in Call of Duty. We know, hearing that has become a cliché by now, but Infinity Ward is demanding your attention from Alpha to Beta with a true and intense multiplayer experience we’ve waited years for.
We honestly thought it couldn’t get any better than the 2v2 Alpha, then we came in contact with a flash bang. Call of Duty’s Multiplayer Beta is proof that the series has plenty of life left and rightfully so after holding and reimaging Captain Price in Modern Warfare. There’s no hints or teasers for campaign as of yet, but the appetizers delivered in the MP Beta felt like a full course meal.
The first weekend beta introduced Team Deathmatch, Domination, Headquarters, Cyber Attack, Realism and NVG (Night Vision Goggles). We circled around three maps as the modes transitioned in Quick Play. But while the Maps are important, let’s begin with gameplay.

Gamers are quite familiar with Team Deathmatch, Headquarters and Domination, making the biggest introductions Cyber Attack and NVG. Cyber Attack is in a sense a remix of Search and Destroy, only difference being the attacking team and keep rearming until every squad member is dead. There’s more! As your team is K.I.A. you have the ability to deny the kill and respawn them, granting them another chance of aiming towards victory. After a few games and familiarizing yourself around each map, strategy becomes second nature and requires communication to get your team on board.
This new twist to Search and Destroy was exhilarating! I found myself throwing grenades across the map as I assumed the opposing would focus on reviving as much as possible. There’s no I in team, but there is in revive. Corny, yes. But necessary! PlayStation was truly spoiled through Cyber Attack; then NVG was revealed.
NVG may have multiple game modes, but the one tested throughout the weekend was Team Deathmatch. At first, I wasn’t a fan of the mode as I was far too often unfamiliar with where I respawned. Even with the Mini Map enabled, it felt slightly uncomfortable. Gameplay however is something out of this world. It became addictive throwing flashbangs in the dark and aiming down your target for headshots. Just know this is a mode requiring patience and skill, and in all, a ton of fun.
Gameplay is accompanied by amazing sound effects. No matter what was going on, I always felt on the battlefield. The bullets sound as real as it gets and visually Call of Duty multiplayer looks like a campaign with extras players. Aesthetically pleasing! There was even a radio effect that made the game feel as if we were using some sort of comms. Which has me thinking, one perk used to be radio jammers. What is Call of Duty were to reimplement this and temporarily disable both UAV and communication, temporarily muting the team? Just a thought.

Customization also played a big role for those looking for the right weapon that fits them, editable in-game or while in lobby. Every adjustment made to your weapon comes with its own pros and cons, mostly feeling like a win when crafted to your likeness. With all the weapons available as you progress, this is going to give every player a sense of advantage as they drop out of a chopper or army jeep like a badass.
The Modern Warfare beta allowed players to rank up to Level 20, unlocking numerous weapons and perks, with the greatest streak being a nuke. Not sure as to how many nukes went off throughout the weekend, but one certainly surprised everyone coming from Optic Karma in his very first game, 20 minutes into the entire Beta. A moment that shocked even the Dev Team.
Cross-Play hasn’t been tested quite yet, but unlocked during the PlayStation Beta, sharing the option to play on with PlayStation users or enabling the biggest choice since Fortnite, playing with your friends, regardless of the console/PC. What’s unique however is an option of turning on/off cross-play rather than being subject to this one feature. This week is going to be a blast, as well as the biggest test in stability for Infinity Ward. But based on what we’ve seen so far, it’s a guaranteed win!
So much confidence in a Beta right? We know, but Infinity Ward has effectively put so much work into this, even promising a free year of downloadable content. No season passes! Captain Price is genuinely the most iconic character in the entire Franchise, along with Soap and Frank Woods. In short, the Beta was near perfection, ensuring October is simply going to be a win!
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